You will probably find that you already have most of the tools that you will require, and is not going to break the bank buying the rest you need for making your bass fishing lures. First off your going to need a vice for clamping your work you can get small clamp on vice at most hardware stores that you can just clamp onto your work station. If your going to be making metal lures you will also need an anvil for working the metal fishing lure if you invest in a larger make of vice some will come with a built in anvil on the back of the vice.
You should start off by making a simple fishing lure first till you gain confidence and get used to using your tools, a simple one to start with is the wobbler this is an old time favourite with fishermen. It is a simple shape and does not require a lot of carving skills perfect for the beginner, it is generally 4 inches long and 3/4 of an inch diameter these are normally classed as bait casting size perfect for spin casting and spinning.
Once you have cut your timber to length you will need to carve to a round shape along its length and round one end, then on the other end cut a 45% angle you will then need a gauge chisel to form a groove on the end you have just cut to 45%. to finish the fishing lure you will need 3 treble hooks and 4 screw eyes, you should make pilot holes before attaching the hooks and screw eyes you do this using a brad awl, attach the treble hooks to 3 of the eyes then attach one to the rounded end of the fishing lure then attach the other 2 at about a third of the way in from either end. The attach just the eye to the 45% end you cut earlier now all that is left is to paint your fishing lure to your requirements.
Now that we have got your creative side going you will want more ideas and tips for saving you more money and tips for your new found hobby, you can find all these and more at Make Your Own Fishing Lures Then if your looking for ways to increase your catch take a look at these ideas Bass Fishing Exposed Enjoy your new found hobby and better catches.
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see my previous post :
Making Deep Diving Fishing Lures