Why do you need a casting net to get the best catfish bait for big cats? Because you want fresh live bait. Just about any species will do but be sure to check your states regulations on live bait. My favorites are bluegill and shad but bluegill are illegal in some states. Both are abundant in just about any waterway. Also don't rule out bullhead catfish as Flatheads and Blues don't seem to have a problem eating their own species. In fact, Flatheads will often times prefer Bullhead over Shad.
Now that you have your live bait let's make sure that your rig is set up right. You should have a medium to heavy rod with at least 20# test line, I use 50# spider wire, with a 20# leader and numbers 2 - 6 circle hooks depending on how big a cat you are after. Slip a slip sinker on the line, and then tie on a good swivel, a 12-18 inch leader and your hook. Don't go cheap on the swivel. Cats like to roll when hooked and a big cat will tear a cheap brass swivel up. Fish your bait on the bottom with an open bail. Be sure to set the hook hard when the cat makes a run with your bait.
The big cats Flathead and Blue when mature prefer live bait. They will occasionally go after cut baits but if you want the best bait for big cats you will want live bait. Live bait can be hooked behind the dorsal fin below the spine, at the end of the tail, or up through the lower jaw and up through the nostrils. Don't be afraid to choose a bait fish 6-12 inches in length if you want that monster cat.
You may be thinking you won't catch many fish with bait that size and your right. But if you are looking for the big catfish I am assuming you don't care about the 1 and 2 pounders you can catch with chicken liver then live bait is the way to go. You can always use smaller baitfish or even cut bait if you run out of patience but your chances of landing a 20 plus pound cat are less. The best bait for big cats will always be live bait.
If you would like more tips for catching all types of catfish visit Catfish Fishing. For a catfish bait recipe book designed mainly to catch channel catfish visit Easy Catfish Bait Recipes
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Douglas_Burns
See my previous post: Easy Recipes For Homemade Catfish Bait